
Dallas, TX USA



Championing the Worth of Black Lives at Every Step

This is not just a slogan; it’s a call to action—a plea for unity in defending the sanctity of life at every stage. Join us in making a lasting difference. God bless you for your courage and commitment to this cause.

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Capitalism: A Foundation for Black Success

At Every Black Life Matters, we recognize the need for critical discussions aimed at refining the capitalist system to address issues like corporatism and cronyism.
However, abandoning capitalism completely for a system that has repeatedly failed to fulfill it’s promises of equality and prosperity is misguided.

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A System Out of Balance: The Urgent Case for Criminal Justice Reform

Our organization, Every Black Life Matters, calls upon individuals and leaders alike to join our mission.
We not only advocate for the amendment of laws that unfairly affect Black Americans but also for the restoration of families and communities torn apart by unjust imprisonment.
The journey towards reform is intricate and demanding, yet undeniably essential in shaping a society that genuinely respects every Black life.

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United We Stand: The Power of Black Family Bonds

Throughout all cultures, many families prioritize their children’s academic success. This commitment is evident in their actions, such as enrolling them in private or charter K-12 schools, and the significant resources they dedicate to their education. However, it is regrettable that due to lack of funds, this investment is often not attainable for many black and brown families resulting in a sharp difference in the quality of education and available opportunities.

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 US-based Conservative Organizations: Their Role in Africa’s Controversial Pro-Life Debates

Sub-Saharan Africa experiences some of the world’s highest rates of unsafe and unintended pregnancies. These concerning statistics are prompting certain jurisdictions within the region to reexamine their stance on abortion rights. Promoting Christian conservative values, USBCOs like Family Watch International have felt emboldened to increase their advocacy efforts in Africa because of this development

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ICYMI : An Open Letter to the NAACP

NAACP’s Pro-Abortion Stance Betrays Black Lives

On Feb, 15, 2024, Judie Brown , President of American Life League wrote an open declaration to the NAACP highlighting a critical issue of utmost significance. It cannot be overlooked, as the NAACP’s endorsement of abortion raises questions about its core mission of advocating for civil rights and equality. Referring to a 2023 document released by the NAACP outlining women’s right to reproductive freedom and health Brown raises serious concerns regarding their position on abortion.

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Global Abortion Rates in 2023: The Loss of Potential

Reports say that in 2023 there were approximately 73 million abortions performed globally. This represents the loss of potential lives whose contribution to society would have benefited many in a myriad of ways, including contribution to cultural diversity, workforce and innovation. The global tally of intentional abortions reminds us of the legal factors influencing the occurrence, approachability, and provision of abortion services. In the complex global debate on the sanctity of life and women’s autonomy, critical roles emerge in the decision-making process regarding abortion.

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Cosmopolitan Magazine Runs Article About Satanic Abortion| The Epoch Times

TST’s website states that TST is a religious organization that provides abortion health care. Mr. Mammen said that providing a service to abort babies has nothing to do with religion or health care.

Mr. Mammen said that since the beginning of time, medical care has never been about killing anything. The Hippocratic Oath for doctors includes doing no harm. This is not only an issue about the fetus but also an issue about women.

He said that most women who’ve gone through abortions have experienced trauma years later, and it’s not short-term trauma; it’s long-term trauma. In fact, there are entire counseling organizations dedicated to counseling women who are suffering post-traumatic stress from an abortion way back in their youth.

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Dilemmas of DEI: If We’re Sincere, How Do We Make Sense Out of Nonsense?| The Epoch Times

The dilemma this creates, however, is that people who are placed in positions for which they would not otherwise qualify, are viewed and callously dismissed as “diversity hires.” Being so labeled bestows no dignity, but instead undermines personal integrity and the commitment to excellence and competency.

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Marx Infects Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion | The Epoch Times

To this day, Marx’s philosophy encourages the “exploited” proletariat class to rise up and control or eliminate the bourgeoisie “ruling class.” Vladimir Lenin, the Bolshevik who launched the late Soviet Union, upshifted Marxism to achieve utopia by mobilizing the “masses” to undermine capitalism and meritocracy

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