
Dallas, TX USA



God is beckoning all to His CRT (Critical Repentance Time)…Will we heed His call?

If you knew that embracing Critical Race Theory (CRT) could interfere with the future eternal rest for your soul, would you still support and embrace it — or heartily reject it? This question is more than rhetorical. Consider it existential. While CRT is all the “rage” in and through culture and society, God beckons all to Critical Repentance Time (God’s CRT) to redeem the misguided race-based movement that maligns culture and society via the secularists’ doctrine of CRT.

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Partnership with Heritage Foundation

We are honored to be one the National Partners with

“a coalition of non-profit organizations who work for the wellbeing of American families. We are passionate about protecting children – our own, and all those across America.”

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Should your church be Woke?

Join Kevin and Neil for an honest discussion about woke, social justice, CRT and other issues contending for the church’s allegiance. A few questions we discuss Explain Woke? What is […]

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Is BLM the newest religion

The core issue is, should we stand with organizations that promote unfettered hatred and violence as part of its respective creed and tactics? Or stand against such organizations? Dietrich Bonheoffer reminds us, “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”

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The Role of the Church in a Pandemic

The Role of the Church in a Pandemic

Jesus’ politicians, his senators, his representatives and lawmakers, the Pharisees and Sadducees, passed a law saying it was illegal to heal on the Sabbath. And Jesus said, I will still heal on the Sabbath. And He did.
For the last 2000 years the Church has been driving force behind the changing 1000’s of laws. Laws that no non believer had even thought to change. We banned child prostitution, widow burning, stopped the superstitious killing of twins and temple prostitution, we banned gladiatorial combat, slavery and the abandonment of children and elders – the Church has long stepped in to be the conscience of government.

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Well Versed with Jim Garlow (Interview Kevin McGary)

Original link: Visit these other

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“Every Black Life Matters” Is the Pro-Family, Pro-Life Alternative to Marxist BLM

  “Black Lives Matter” has become a common refrain this year. But despite the movement’s popularity, some black lives have been left out of the narrative. And now a new […]

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6 Reasons Black Christians Must Denounce BLM

6 Reasons Black Christians Must Denounce BLM Carl Jackson|Posted: Jul 26, 2020 12:01 AM The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of […]

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The new religion of woke anti-racism

Washington Examiner SOCIETY AND CULTURE RACE AND GENDER June 11, 2020 It’s all about religion, isn’t it? “We have a cult of social justice on the left,” Andrew Sullivan wrote in New York magazine, […]

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