
Dallas, TX USA



Truth is everything

Truth and Justice

Truth is everything


At Every Black Life Matters, we stand firm in our commitment to justice, equity, and the sanctity of every Black life. Our mission is rooted in advocating for policies and practices that uphold human dignity, promote educational choice, support fatherhood initiatives, and foster non-violence. We confront the injustices that have historically plagued Black communities, challenging both the overt and covert systems that perpetuate racial inequities.

Our blog, “Truth and Justice,” is a platform dedicated to amplifying the stories, struggles, and triumphs of those who champion these values. Here, we delve into the critical issues affecting Black lives, shedding light on the systemic challenges and celebrating the resilience and achievements of our communities.

Join us as we explore topics that matter, share insightful analyses, and call for actionable change. Together, we strive to create a future where justice is not just a dream, but a reality for every Black life.

 Sisterhood Worldwide: Progress & Parity

While we celebrate women’s achievements this month, we must acknowledge that progress has left some far behind and it’s time for change. Let this be a clarion call to champion gender equality and relentless push for a future where none are excluded, and all can flourish. Vital tools like education, awareness-raising, and vocal advocacy can chip away at prejudice and patriarchy by removing barriers, and ultimately fostering environments where all women and girls can blossom and realize their full potential.

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 US-based Conservative Organizations: Their Role in Africa’s Controversial Pro-Life Debates

Sub-Saharan Africa experiences some of the world’s highest rates of unsafe and unintended pregnancies. These concerning statistics are prompting certain jurisdictions within the region to reexamine their stance on abortion rights. Promoting Christian conservative values, USBCOs like Family Watch International have felt emboldened to increase their advocacy efforts in Africa because of this development

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The Shadow of Eugenics: Margaret Sanger’s Impact on the Black Community

While her advocacy for women’s reproductive rights may have stemmed from good intentions, Sanger’s embrace of eugenics and racist views cast a long shadow. Her actions highlight the importance of critically examining historical figures, acknowledging both their contributions and the damage caused by their harmful beliefs. We must remember that progress in healthcare cannot come at the expense of marginalized communities. As we navigate Sanger’s complex legacy, we must condemn the racist underpinnings of her work, ensuring that the fight for reproductive rights benefit all communities equally.

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Humanity’s Story: Why Black History Month Matters Everywhere

NAACP’s Pro-Abortion Stance Betrays Black Lives

On Feb, 15, 2024, Judie Brown , President of American Life League wrote an open declaration to the NAACP highlighting a critical issue of utmost significance. It cannot be overlooked, as the NAACP’s endorsement of abortion raises questions about its core mission of advocating for civil rights and equality. Referring to a 2023 document released by the NAACP outlining women’s right to reproductive freedom and health Brown raises serious concerns regarding their position on abortion.

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ICYMI : An Open Letter to the NAACP

NAACP’s Pro-Abortion Stance Betrays Black Lives

On Feb, 15, 2024, Judie Brown , President of American Life League wrote an open declaration to the NAACP highlighting a critical issue of utmost significance. It cannot be overlooked, as the NAACP’s endorsement of abortion raises questions about its core mission of advocating for civil rights and equality. Referring to a 2023 document released by the NAACP outlining women’s right to reproductive freedom and health Brown raises serious concerns regarding their position on abortion.

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Unveiling Carver’s Canvas: Science, Education, and Black Empowerment

His creativity further exploded when he transformed peanuts into over 300 astonishing products—from vibrant dyes to adaptable plastics, even contributing to gasoline development. This remarkable adaptability unlocked the hidden potential of peanuts. Once again, forever transforming the South’s agricultural landscape.

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We are proud to share that our advocacy and insights have gained recognition on prominent websites. This section showcases articles where Every Black Life Matters has been featured, reflecting our ongoing efforts to champion justice, equality, and the empowerment of Black communities. Explore these highlighted pieces to see how our mission resonates across various platforms and join us in spreading the message of hope and transformation.

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