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ICYMI: Open Letter to NAACP

Written by Contributing Author, Charles Wekesa

By Charles Wekesa

The assertion by NAACP that abortion access is a matter of racial justice is not only misguided and lacks sound judgement, but also poses a significant danger. It is well documented that organizations like Planned Parenthood have made Black Women their target for abortions, thereby perpetuating a cycle of injustice and harm. The notion that abortion is a form of reproductive freedom and physical independence is a gross misinterpretation of the reality. The right of a woman to make choices should never be prioritized at the expense of human life, as the unborn baby has the rights that must be protected with diligence.

NAACP’s Pro-Abortion Stance Betrays Black Lives

On Feb, 15, 2024, Judie Brown , President of American Life League wrote an open declaration to the NAACP highlighting a critical issue of utmost significance. It cannot be overlooked, as the NAACP’s endorsement of abortion raises questions about its core mission of advocating for civil rights and equality. Referring to a 2023 document released by the NAACP outlining women’s right to reproductive freedom and health Brown raises serious concerns regarding their position on abortion.

The principal contention made in her open letter is that abortion constitutes a form of racism, and in particular against the Black Community. Roe v. Wade ruling in 1973 saw close to 20 million Black infants terminated, this was an astonishing figure that makes a strong impression on the devastating impact of abortion on Black lives. The letter appropriately underscores the fact that abortion is the leading cause of death within the Black community, with almost 42% of all-American abortions performed on Black women making up just 7.7 % of the entire U.S population. 

The assertion by NAACP that abortion access is a matter of racial justice is not only misguided and lacks sound judgement, but also poses a significant danger. It is well documented that organizations like Planned Parenthood have made Black Women their target for abortions, thereby perpetuating a cycle of injustice and harm. The notion that abortion is a form of reproductive freedom and physical independence is a gross misinterpretation of the reality. The right of a woman to make choices should never be prioritized at the expense of human life, as the unborn baby has the rights that must be protected with diligence.

The NAACP, an institution established on the principles of equality and justice, has failed to acknowledge the injustice of abortion. As pointed out aptly by Live Action’s Christian Benett, how possible is it to have our society achieve greatness while allowing elimination of our future potential in the womb? The unborn children are not only statistics, but a representation of future teachers, healthcare providers, nurses, and individuals in authority who are entitled to the opportunity to live and positively influence our community

To conclude, the NAACP must comprehensively reevaluate it’s stance on abortion and recognize the fact that the fight for civil rights and equality encompasses the unborn who are the most susceptible segments of the society. The lamentable reality of the loss of over 20 million babies lost to abortion, coupled with the heart-wrenching disintegration of over 20 million families, constitutes an indescribable tragedy that cannot be neglected and ignored. It is incumbent upon the NAACP to diligently strive for betterment by vociferously advocating for policies that not only safeguard the inherent sanctity of life but also unequivocally assert that Black lives undeniably hold profound significance and value.



Articles from Charles Wekesa