
Dallas, TX USA



Candace Owens UNMASKS Black Lives Matter

DISCLAIMER This video contains information and content supplied by third parties.  Information contained herein regarding any specific person, commercial product, private or public organization, or service does not constitute or […]

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How ‘Wokeness’ Is a Product of Marxism

SOCIETYCOMMENTARY How ‘Wokeness’ Is a Product of Marxism Jarrett Stepman / @JarrettStepman / August 02, 2020 / 261 Comments “Anti-racism training is a con,” says The Heritage Foundation’s Mike Gonzalez. “These consultants get paid exorbitant amounts […]

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Two protesters arrested while chalking ‘Black Pre-Born Lives Matter’ on sidewalk

Two protesters arrested while chalking ‘Black Pre-Born Lives Matter’ on sidewalk A march organized by the anti-abortion organization Students for Life of America and the Frederick Douglass Foundation nears the […]

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6 Reasons Black Christians Must Denounce BLM

6 Reasons Black Christians Must Denounce BLM Carl Jackson|Posted: Jul 26, 2020 12:01 AM The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of […]

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The new religion of woke anti-racism

Washington Examiner SOCIETY AND CULTURE RACE AND GENDER June 11, 2020 It’s all about religion, isn’t it? “We have a cult of social justice on the left,” Andrew Sullivan wrote in New York magazine, […]

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